Sunday, February 17, 2013

Response to Cody Crawford's Post

It is hard to find a scenario in which a consumer can get a product or service they are satisfied with, but still not be satisfied with the company.  But when looking deeper into it, you can find some cases of this.  Such as a consumer can have a product in which they like the performance, and the price, but the fact that they were treated poorly by the store employees.  If the consumer gets bad attitude from an employee, they will  not be happy with the store, even if they product is great.  Another scenario in which this can be seen is a company that is not socially responsible.  A company can make a great product, but if the consumers find out that the company is not socially responsible, do not care about the environment and the society, the consumer will be turned off by the company.  Can you think of any other scenario's in which this case is true?

Do you think a consumer can get a product/service that they are satisfied with, but then not be satisfied with the company/business?

Self regulation vs. governmental regulation

When looking at the regulation of companies, it seems that governmental regulation is getting weaker and weaker by the year.  It seems that the United States is looking for something to fix this problem.  It has been mentioned that maybe we should let companies self regulate.  In my mind, I think this would be a terrible idea.   Sure maybe we could trust some companies to self regulate, and to do it fairly, but if self regulation was put into place, there would be a ton more of corruption.  Especially when regulating could falter that companies gain, when it would be themselves regulating their company, I'm sure a lot of them would not regulate as hard in order to be able to gain personal profit.   So even though governmental regulation is getting weaker, it still seems to be the best thing we have right now.  We cannot trust a company to regulate against its self, because they would just try to bend the rules in order to be more successful.  What do you think, Trust the government or trust the companies?