Sunday, January 27, 2013

Response to BB Question 2

When looking at a successful business model, there is one major aspect to it, and that is the customer.  The customer is what allows businesses to strive, and allow businesses to grow.  When looking at the customer, there are two big areas to focus on, and that is customer satisfaction and the customer value.  Now, there is the fact if these two are interdependent or mutually exclusive.  I think while looking at these two, they definitely tie into each other.  In order to satisfy a customer, they will have to be happy with the products they are getting.  Pulling a quote from, they define customer value as, "Customer value is the benefit that a customer will get from a product or service in comparison with its cost."(pg.1)  So what this means is that when a customer buys a product or service, it is how much he or she benefits from it, while factoring in how much is cost him or her.  So when comparing customer satisfaction and customer value, they have a lot to do with each other, because of the fact of in order to a customer to be satisfied with the company, they have to be happy with products or services they are being provided.  If there is a low customer value, or they are not happy with product or service, then the customer will not be satisfied.  I can not think of a scenario where satisfaction can occur with low customer value, because in what scenario would a customer get the product or service and not be happy with it, but then there are satisfied with the company?
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